


Agreement ID eme2023czelib
Has the agreement been disclosed and published? Yes
URL https://smlouvy.gov.cz/smlouva/23253109
Agreement period 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2025
Consortia / Institution CzechELib
Country Czech Republic

Approximate range of annual corresponding author publications

Comments on size/article output 20 for 2023; to be updated for the next years based on the average consortium publishing activity for the last 3 years (to be updated for the next years based on the average consortium publishing activity for the last 3 years = all corresponding authors from institutions under the agreement in subscribed collections)

How do the costs of the agreement relate to previous subscription-only agreements with the publisher?

Agreement costs within the range of the previous spending level

Transformative agreements vary by their transformative mechanisms, meaning the way in which financing is shifted from the subscription side to open access publishing. What are the characteristics of this agreement to this regard?

Still treated as pure Read with free vouchers

How do entitlements for open access publishing correlate to the anticipated article output? Which mechanisms for risk sharing have been agreed in cases of exceeding or not reaching the number of OA publishing entitlements?

Hybrid articles are eligible only if in subscribed collection(s) for given institution. Due to higher number of smaller partial Emerald collections (which are subscribed by the members) we expect that for some institutions some hybrid journals will be unreachable for OA publishing (because they are not subscribed by the given institution). Also the workflow on the publisher side is based on first come first serve, therefore it is possible that some institutions will not be able to use a waiver due to the fact that APC waivers will not be available once the cap is reached.

There is no risk sharing agreed. Some members (libraries) probably won’t be able to use the vouchers (no publishing). We have load balancing (voucher reallocation) on consortial level, but its hard to adhere to it due the workflow on the publisher side.


Are all journals relevant to your affiliated authors (in which you expect them to publish) eligible for OA publishing under the agreement?

Are fully open access journals covered by the agreement? Yes
OA LICENSE CC-BY preference, exceptions allowed
Original research articles
Review articles
Brief report, Case report and Rapid communications article

What is the approximate share of access related costs of the overall agreement?

More than 50%

Are all read relevant journals covered by the agreement?

WORKFLOW ASSESSMENT Too early to assess
Comments on workflows While the total number of tokens is capped, neither the institutions, nor the consortia OA managers are able to fairly reallocate the tokens to the consortium. This is due to the workflow based solely on the publisher side with the first come first serve approach.
OVERALL ASSESSMENT AND COMMENTS Eligible articles (hybrid ones) are only for subscribed collections. Due to higher number of fragmented Emerald collections (each institution can subscribe another set of collections) it is not straightforward to say if an article in particular journal could be covered or not for the given institution (required checking against title list for the particular collection or collections). This must be painful for the publisher too.
Request contact to the licensee contact [at] esac-initiative [dot] org