

Cambridge University Press

Agreement ID cam2022cdl
Has the agreement been disclosed and published? No
URL Agreement has not yet been finalized, but will be published later
Agreement period 01/01/2022 – 12/31/2024
Consortia / Institution California Digital Library (University of California)
Country United States

Approximate range of annual corresponding author publications

Comments on size/article output Includes all articles published by UC corresponding authors in CUP journals; not restricted to only eligible articles

How do the costs of the agreement relate to previous subscription-only agreements with the publisher?

Agreement costs within the range of the previous spending level
Comments on cost development Fixed total cost of agreement increases at reasonable inflationary rate, while costs for reading within the agreement continue to decrease

Transformative agreements vary by their transformative mechanisms, meaning the way in which financing is shifted from the subscription side to open access publishing. What are the characteristics of this agreement to this regard?

Subscriptions partly converted to OA publishing fees

How do entitlements for open access publishing correlate to the anticipated article output? Which mechanisms for risk sharing have been agreed in cases of exceeding or not reaching the number of OA publishing entitlements?

No fixed OA publishing entitlements. Risk sharing is achieved by committing to a fixed total spend (including library spend and author spend when authors choose to contribute from grant funds), within reasonable parameters. OA uptake rates far outside the expected range of outcomes may have impacts on how the finances of the agreement progress from year to year.

Are all journals relevant to your affiliated authors (in which you expect them to publish) eligible for OA publishing under the agreement?

Are fully open access journals covered by the agreement? Yes
OA LICENSE CC-BY preference, exceptions allowed
Original research articles
Review articles

What is the approximate share of access related costs of the overall agreement?

Comments on access costs The reading fee started at 40% of the agreement in 2019, and the absolute dollar amount decreases by 5% in each year of the agreement

Are all read relevant journals covered by the agreement?

Comments on workflows Workflow primarily handled through CCC RightsLink, with added author support from CUP as needed. Worked in collaboration with CCC and CUP to set up this workflow before the 2019-21 agreement, and that workflow has been reused in several other CDL agreements.
OVERALL ASSESSMENT AND COMMENTS The 2019-21 Cambridge University Press agreement was the University of California’s first transformative agreement; this agreement was on a generally positive path in terms of supporting authors, controlling costs, and shifting finances to support OA publishing rather than reading.

This renewal continues the agreement on much the same terms: same author-facing workflow (the multipayer model, by which authors contribute grant funds towards the publication of their article if they have research funds available and the library covers the full cost otherwise), same overall financial structure (fixed total spend with reading and publishing portions), same yearly reduction to the reading fee.

Cambridge has recently increased its efforts to reach transformative agreements with more institutions. UC continues to feel that the multipayer model is a potentially sustainable way for UC and other research-intensive institutions to support all OA publication with Cambridge within the existing cost envelope; as such this could be a part of the transition for large North American research institutions.

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