ESAC Data Analytics Working Group

Data analytics plays a foundational role in building library strategies for transformative and open access publishing agreements with scholarly publishers. Within the global ESAC network, a group of data analysts with significant firsthand experience in preparing data for publisher negotiations have teamed up to share their insights and methods.

The group meets regularly to discuss relevant topics and produce open resources to help the community improve the quality and efficiency of their data-related tasks, for example:

    • Understand the publishing profile of your institution and the open access publishing trends of your authors
    • Cost model open access and transformative agreement scenarios based on your institution’s publishing trends and current expenditures (library subscription fees and APCs paid by authors)
    • Assess the relevance of a publisher’s portfolio to your students and faculty in terms of citations, publications and usage, to prepare for negotiations
    • Evaluate bibliometric data sources and identify methods and tools to normalize and enrich them
    • Determine success criteria and monitor the progress of transformative agreements and other open access strategies
    • Establish recommendations for metadata requirements associated with open access and transformative agreements with scholarly publishers
    • Advocate for improvements in metadata practices within the scholarly publishing community

The analysts of the ESAC Data Analytics Working Group are happy to mentor peers in the academic community approaching open access and transformative agreement negotiations. If you would like more information or wish to contribute, get in touch via the form below.

Current members of the working group:

Jens Aasheim
Sikt, Norway
Camilla Lindelöw
Royal Library/Bibsam, Sweden
Britt Ansbjerg Hansen
Royal Danish Library, Denmark
Michael Svendsen
Royal Danish Library, Denmark
Ádám Dér
Max Planck Digital Library, Germany
Mathew (Mat) Willmott
California Digital Library, USA
Najko Jahn
State and University Library Göttingen, Germany